Thursday, June 18, 2009

Marathon Man - No Really - He Really Is a Marathon Man

Yes, he ran his first marathon in 4:19. It was really exciting and fun. We drove up to Utah on Thursday and he spent Friday acclamating. The weather was beautiful and so was the scenery. It felt great to be so close to the mountains. And even though it really has been a mild summer so far here in AZ, I felt an immediate difference in how I felt with my pregnancy being in a cooler climate.

Anyway, Saturday morning the big race began up by Deer Creek Resevoir. He ran from there over to Utah Lake and then ended up at Provo Mall. The kids saw him make the curve to the finish line and ran up to him, turned with him, and ran through the finish line with their banners and everything. It was really cute and fun to see how excited they were.
Look, its after the marathon and he's still standing!

Well, sort of. But he earned it, right?

Congratulations, Scott! I am a proud wife and now Scott is already in training mode for his next marathon - St. George in October. Any lodging ideas? I am the travel agent if anyone has tips.

Go, Bookworms, Go!!

Sometime between my last blog post and today, Scottie Brown and his team of readers have been burning the midnight oil reading and re-reading books for one competition after another. The three of them had to read 12 books throughout 6th grade and then they had 3 school competitions. All of which I missed. Didn't even know about. But we will save what a great mom I am for later. After his final school competition, he came home and announced he and his team had won the school title and were moving on to regionals.

WOW!!! Way to go, Downtown!! He and his posse reread all the books in preparation for the regional Battle of the Books at Greenfield Regional Library. Scott and I were setting up Scottie for failure you might say by trying to not let him get his hopes up too high. But, but to our surprise (not because of Scottie but because of his genetic gene pool), his team placed 3rd in regionals and were on to district finals!

Again, time to reread the books. A few weeks later we were at Brimhall Jr High in Mesa to cheer Scottie on again. He and his team were well prepared. They got every question right in round one and then the same in round two. The boys never even seemed to hesitate when answering difficult questions about characters, plots, places, and situations in every minute detail.

He and 6 other teams got every question correct. So, the judges had those teams square off for really difficult and intense questions you wouldn't know the answer to if you had just read the answer five minutes ago. Well, true to form, his team did great and in the end they placed 4th for the entire district.

Way to go!