OK, Ali, this one is for you since I know you have been checking the blog. Aren't these shoes adorable? I decided to take your advice and "assemble" an outfit for the shoes you made her. I packed up her shoes (still in their packaging, of course, because I couldn't bear to unwrap the presentation) and when I reluctantly pulled them out of the bag, I discovered they were still too big for her. I was so mad at myself because I knew I would never be able to make the ornamentation look the way you have and hence no longer be able to have it on display in her room. Oh well. I guess I will need you to come and reconstruct everything! She's obviously still fantastically adorable and I couldn't resist adding this picture too:

Wow! I have five minutes to try and tackle two huge days of things. I will only start on one day. Bethlehem. We went yesterday. We had to rent a bus and a driver because we were not aloud to go into the city without a resident of the city. The city is about 15 minutes from where we are but its all part of the difficult social division between the Arabs and the Israeli's. The Israeli's have put up a 30 foot separation wall that spreads for miles and prohibits all Arabs from entering Israel. The unemployment rate is 30% in Bethlehem. I saw many groups of men just standing around and wondered how they were taking care of their families. Most of these unemployed people worked in Jerusalem until the separation wall came up. The wall is heavily policed and we had to bring our passports to prove our citizenship coming in and out of the city.
As we began walking into the city, we went through an arched pathway. My father-in-law explained to us that this was the entryway into Bethlehem that Joseph and Mary would have gone through to get into the city. Wow! I was standing right where they had been two thousand years ago. I couldn't believe we were in the same place and words can't express the feeling in my heart as I looked at that archway and thought about a young, probably frightened, young woman about to give birth to her first child - alone, away from the comfort of home and loved ones. Only with her fiancee' to help her through this difficult time. I'm sure Mary came to love, trust and rely on Joseph deeply during this brief and holy period.
When we got into the city, it was pure craziness and mayhem. Here is a picture of us struggling to get through the markets without losing our children:

And actually, we stuck out so much it wasn't too hard. People would come up to touch Cassidy's blonde hair. Can you believe cars were coming in between all of this? They would honk and we would have to shimmy up to the sides of the shops to let the cars through. I wouldn't let go of Sam's hand and he wasn't too happy about that.

Here is Julianne asking for a hamburger.

Freshly squeezed OJ! Brandon, is your mouth watering?
After we got through the marketplace, it cleared into a plaza with a church. The church is traditionally standing where the Savior was born.

Traditionally, his actual birthplace.
After this sacred experience, Kent and Gayle took us to a Tent for some authentic Palestinian Dinner. The food was delicious and the ambience was amazing. We literally dined in a tent, over Persian Rugs, with Christmas music! It was fun and we were very spoiled.

OK, friends, its getting late and I have only written about 1/5 about what is on my mind from that day. Mostly, my testimony is growing. My gratitude for the Savior is deepening as I catch a glimpse of the world and customs He grew up in. I am also so grateful for his mother and the man who raised him, Joseph. They are such examples of faith and loving parenthood to me.
Tomorrow night (Christmas Eve) we will spend the evening at Sheperd's Field near Bethlehem singing hymns. Merry Christmas! Thanks for your comments - its fun to be hearing from all of you. And since I am incompetant, will you all please resend me invites to your private blogs? I have tried to get on but my invitation has expired.
Love you, Jill
All still so amazing. I can't wait to hear all about it in person.
We actually went and picked oranges this week and B was so vigilant about picking because he wanted to go home and make OJ. I made a big picture of it and he drank well over half of it. Of course its gone now, so yes, he will be salivating when I show him this picture!!!
PS Love those sweet pictures of Lily! Please squish her for me. Also, just showed the kids the pics. The first real reaction I got from B was with the OJ. His eyes just got real big and he said, "Ohhhhhh."
Oh, how sweet, and how amazing! Those booties will fit her feet one day, and yes, she IS adorably cute. I love seeing her smile!
You are a brave woman Jill! Seeing that pic of the marketplace, and reading your comment about trying not to lose anyone just made me sick to my stomach! LOL One of my worst fears as well. Bethlehem of course, looks amazing.
Merry Christmas & safe travels!
Merry Christmas Brown family from the Brown family. I am so glad you passed on the name of your blog so I can follow your journey through the Holy Land. I know how hard blogging is while traveling but it really is the best way to keep in contact with friends and family.I can't wait to hear more of your adventures. Enjoy your travels and be safe.Love, Maridee
we've been keeping up with you guys. i cant believe the kind of experiences you guys are getting! what a trip!! trust me... that's way better than colorado! glad you saved your energy! its all so so breathtaking!.... speaking of breathtaking, that lilly woman is out of control! i have to gasp for air everytime i see her! she is beyond word description. i CANNOT WAIT TO SEE HER!!
love you guys and be safe!!
...see you in feb after we win the superbowl!!!
Your blog is incredible! I love the pictures & reading about your trip! Your whole family is just beautiful, but I have to say that Lily is the cutest thing on the planet! Have a wonderful time! love, aimee
jill, wow! as i am listening to my children arguing in the other room about who gets to pick the show they are going to watch, i am thinking to myself what an amazing experience for your children. though they are young, i hope they will remember it. i am touched by your testimony of the savior. i too love him. and am so grateful for my blessings, one of them is having you as a friend. be safe. see you soon.
Great pictures!
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