Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lily is two months old!

I saw my friend at the park today and she asked to hold Lily. When my friend handed her back and put her on my lap, I got a little shock through my system as I realized what a beautiful baby I have. She is so perfect. I am so in love.

Lily loves to smile!

Lily's favorite time of the day is bath time. We wait until the end of the day. She is usually tired, cranky, and crying for me to put her to bed. When she gets into the warm water, her crying stops instantly and I get to hold her sweet little body and look and all of her adorable soft little dimpled skin.


Kierra said...

wow she looks like sam!!

Larsens said...

we are so jealous that we dont get to hold her and love her like everyone else! we love those pictures over here in the larsen home! she is so darling. i see everyone of your boys in her! she is so so darling! love you lilly!

Mary-Sunshine said...

she is getting so big! she is perfect...i love to look at her too. thank you for posting all of the pictures!!!

Alli grins said...

Jill, Lily is just beautiful! Ashlyn's right here with me and we think she looks like Josh. She definitely belongs and it looks like you are having fun!

bethiepoos said...

she is SOOO sammy!! I love it!! soo gorgeous JIll