Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Day

Well, Santa found the kids all the way in Jerusalem. He brought their big presents in AZ and then stuffed their stockings here. They were so thrilled! I've decided Santa needs to only stuff stockings from now on because of how excited the kids were.

After the Christmas Festivities, we went to Jericho and saw where Joshua led his army around the city of Jericho for 7 days and caused the walls to tumble down. The remains are still visible today.

This is what Sam thought about Jericho.

He perked up, though, when we went to "Banana Land." Also in Jericho.

1 comment:

Arian said...

Wow, love all the pictures!! Takes me back to my days at the Jerusalem Center. I can't believe how brave you are to take the kids to see all the different sights. Your kiddos sure are beautiful!